Victor Journé

Data Scientist

Follow @victorjourne


HTML , CSS , Javascript , PHP, Python, C

Adobe XD, Inkscape, Git, Linux

Coding Activity


Welcome to my personal site! Please find some articles or projects that I would like to share!



A Search Engine for the French Mininstery of Interior

IA Flash

A platform to find the brand/model of cars

Emotion classifier

School project to classify facial emotion with CNN

Work Experience

Data Scientist (2019 - Now)

French Ministry of Interior

Led multiple projects in Computer Vision, Natural Language processing and full stack development.

Data Scientist (2017 - 2019)

Qopius Technology

Achieved applied researches in attention learning, graphs matching and deep-learning detection models.

Quantitative Analyst (2015 - 2017)


Found profitable strategies on the Imbalance and Intraday Power Market.


Master of Data Science (2016-2017)


Optimization for Machine Learning, Online Learning, Hidden Markov Models, Compressed Sensing, Deep Learning.

Master of Data Science

Cranfield University (2014-2015)

Double diploma about autonomous vehicles. Control Theory, Dynamics, Decision-Making and Data Fusion.

Master of Science

Ecole Centrale de Nantes (2013-2015)

Mathematics (analysis, probabilities, optimization), Fluid Dynamics, Control and Automation and Signal Theory. Simulation and Virtual Reality.